PRL-8-53 is a nootropic research chemical derived from benzoic acid and phenylmethylamine that has been shown to act as ahypermnesic drug in humans; It was first synthesized in the 1970’s by Dr Nikolaus Hansl while working at Creighton University. The compound takes its name from creator’s company Pacific Research Labs who were also the (now expired) patent holders. Very little research on this compound is available online. What is available appears to have been conducted by the old patent holder.
The single study involving humans showed PRL-8-53 improved word recollection scores both 24 and 96 hours after initial memorization. Given the low amount of evidence available for this nootropic, we thought it relevant to reference a journal article in which the creator discusses the compound and numerous other human trials it was used in. Anecdotal reports for this seem favorable. With reliable published research and data for prolonged use in humans, it’s something we can recommend.